Isto remonta ao ano 2001 quando um jornalista chamado Alan Cullison estava a relatar todos os acontecimentos passados no Afeganistão para o jornal "Wall Street Journal" e então num certo dia, ele ofereceu-se para comprar alguns computadores de uma loja que pertencera á al-Qaeda. Por 1100 dólares americanos ele comprou 2 computadores. Antes de entregar os discos dos mesmos a agentes da CIA ele deu-se ao trabalho de pesquisar a informação dos discos e partilhar com este mundo electronico alguns "mail's" que lá se encontravam. Interessante foi o facto de alguns mails terem sido (ou supostamente) escritos por Osama bin Laden.
Aqui ficam alguns desses mails, que decerto desperta a curiosidade de muita gente :)
Aqui ficam alguns desses mails, que decerto desperta a curiosidade de muita gente :)
To: Al-Qaeda Members in Yemen
From: Tariq Anwar
Folder: Outgoing Mail—To Yemen
Date: April 1998
I send you my greetings from beyond the swamps to your country, where there is progress and civilization … You should excuse us for not calling. There are many reasons, the most important of which is the difficulty of calling from this country. We have to go to the city, which involves a number of stages. The first stage involves arranging for a car (as we don't have a car). Of course, we are bound by the time the car is leaving, regardless of the time we want to leave. The second stage involves waiting for the car (we wait for the car, and it may be hours late or arrive before the agreed time). The next stage is the trip itself, when we sit like sardines in a can. Most of the time I have 1/8 of a chair, and the road is very bad. After all this suffering, the last stage is reaching a humble government communication office. Most of the time there is some kind of failure—either the power is off, the lines out of order, or the neighboring country [through which the connection is made] does not reply. Only in rare cases can we make problem-free calls …
To: Osama bin LadenNoble brother Abu Abdullah,
From: Abu Mosab al-Suri and Abu Khalid al-Suri
Via: Ayman al-Zawahiri
Folder: Incoming Mail—From Afghanistan
Date: July 19, 1999
Peace upon you, and God's mercy and blessings.
This message [concerns] the problem between you
and the Leader of the Faithful …
To: Mullah Omar
From: Osama bin Laden
Folder: Publications
Date: April 11, 2001
… I pray to God—after having granted you success in destroying the dead, deaf, and mute false gods—that He will grant you success in destroying the living false gods, the ones that talk and listen. God knows that those [gods] pose more danger to Islam and monotheism than the dead false gods. Among the most important such false gods in our time is the United Nations, which has become a new religion that is worshipped to the exclusion of God. The prophets of this religion are present in the UN General Assembly … The UN imposes all sorts of penalties on all those who contradict its religion. It issues documents and statements that openly contradict Islamic belief, such as the International Declaration for Human Rights, considering all religions are equal, and considering that the destruction of the statues constitutes a crime …
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